Collection of web resources for Open Learning
The following is a collection of open courses and books I have audited/read over the years.
2 min readAug 28, 2022
I have been learning from open resources available on the internet and books from a couple of years now. Following is the collection of the resources that I have to referred to, which might help others in their learning journey.
These does not include all the courses I have audited, nor the details and description about the courses, But I will make it a point to improve the details and add descriptions and add new resources as and when I complete them.
I have also tried to add links for the resources, but some of the links may not work as the webpage might change.
- Multivariable Calculus-MIT(Youtube and MIT OCW)
- Mathematics for Machine Learning (Book)
- Essence of Linear Algebra- 3Blue2Brown(Youtube)
- Matrix Methods- Gilbert Strang, MIT (Youtube)
- Computational Thinking with Julia, MIT (Youtube)
- Statistics 110 -Harvard(Youtube)
- Practical Time Series Analysis (Coursera)
- Introduction to Statistical Learning with R (Book)
Python,SQL,HTML and Javascript
- Introduction to programming in python- MIT (Youtube)
- Python for everybody
- Intermediate Python- Sentdex(Youtube)
- SQL - Socratica(Youtube)
- HTML/CSS and JavaScript for web developers- John Hopkins (Coursera)
Machine Learning and Data Science
Computer Vision and Image Processing
Deep Learning
- Deep Learning Specialization- DeepLearning.AI(Coursera)
C1) Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
C2) Improving Deep Neural Networks.
C3) Convolutional Neural Networks
C4) Natural Language Processing Sequence Models - Tensorflow: Advance Techniques- DeepLearning.AI(Coursera)
C1) Custom Layers, Models, and Loss Functions
C2) Custom and Distributed Training
C3) Advanced Computer Vision
C4) Generative Deep Learning
GIS, Remote Sensing and Earth Observation
- Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Application-
- Introduction to GIS mapping- University of Toronto(Coursera)
- Gis-data acquisition and map-design- University of Toronto(Coursera)
- Spatial Analysis, Satellite Imagery- University of Toronto(Coursera)
- Earth Data Science Intermediate- Earth Lab CU Boulder
- Scientist’s Guide to Plotting Data in Python Textbook- Earth Lab CU Boulder
Operating Systems, Linux, and other Courses
- Operating System and you -Google( Coursera)
- Using Python to interact with OS -Google( Coursera)
- Hands-on introduction to Linux commands- IBM(Coursera)
- Introduction to Git and GitHub- Google( Coursera)
Economics, Banking, and Finance
- Introduction to Economic Theories- Erasmus University(Coursera)
- Financial Markets- Yale University (Coursera)
- Economics of Money and Banking- Columbia University(Coursera)
Data Science , Hackathons, Coding Practice Platforms
- Kaggle
- Drivendata
- Hackerrank
- Leetcode
- Omdena
- Zindi