Collection of web resources for Open Learning

The following is a collection of open courses and books I have audited/read over the years.

Viraj Kadam
2 min readAug 28, 2022

I have been learning from open resources available on the internet and books from a couple of years now. Following is the collection of the resources that I have to referred to, which might help others in their learning journey.

These does not include all the courses I have audited, nor the details and description about the courses, But I will make it a point to improve the details and add descriptions and add new resources as and when I complete them.

I have also tried to add links for the resources, but some of the links may not work as the webpage might change.



Python,SQL,HTML and Javascript

Machine Learning and Data Science

Computer Vision and Image Processing

Deep Learning

GIS, Remote Sensing and Earth Observation

Operating Systems, Linux, and other Courses

Economics, Banking, and Finance

Data Science , Hackathons, Coding Practice Platforms

  • Kaggle
  • Drivendata
  • Hackerrank
  • Leetcode
  • Omdena
  • Zindi



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